How To Kill Weeds Naturally With Cheap or Free Household Products

If you are looking for ways to control the growth of unsightly weeds in and around your garden, you can choose to purchase off the shelf chemicals to treat the problem or if you would prefer an environmentally friendly option, you can try out one of the many natural solutions.

Here are some natural remedies that you can try in order to eliminate this problem. These all involve the use of common household products.

\"Organic Vegetable\"


How To Kill Weeds Naturally With Cheap or Free Household Products

Using normal table salt is a very effective way to kill weeds. You only need a small amount, less than teaspoon, which you simply sprinkle at the base of each weed. The salt will draw out all the moisture from the plant, which will starve it of its nutrients and the weeds will then die.

The disadvantage with using salt is that is will attack any type of vegetation and once it is in the soil, it makes it very difficult for other plants to prosper. The best place to use a salt solution is in areas where you are not growing other plants, such as in the gaps between your patio paving slabs or on your gravelled yard area.

Boiling Water

Boiling water helps to get rid of your weed problem by burning the offending growths. The heat from the water will eventually turn the plants brown and they will shrivel up and die. Boil up some water and pour it directly on the weed.

Using boiling water is not a long-term solution. It is a good option for very small areas that are affected but it does have its disadvantages. The water can also remove the good stuff, the micro-organisms from the soil that is needed to help your plants to flourish. Again the best places to use this method are in areas where you are not planning to plant flowers or vegetables.

White Wine Vinegar

The reason that vinegar is a really good method that will kill off weeds is due to the active ingredient called Acetic acid. Spraying this solution on weeds will starve them of moisture and turn these plants brown. It will take a few days for the effects to be seen but once the weeds have shrivelled up and died, you can easily pull them out of the ground and dispose of them.

These are all cheap and effective ways to get rid of weeds in and around your garden. As these solutions can affect the soil and the plants that you are actually trying to cultivate, the best places to adopt these methods are areas where you do not anticipate growing other vegetation.

How To Kill Weeds Naturally With Cheap or Free Household Products

You can get many more organic gardening tips at the Organic Gardening Academy site. Go to for more information