The Role Of Animals In Organic Farming

Farm animals are an important an integrated part of most organic farms. They make valuable contributions to the productivity and sustainability of organic agricultural systems. In addition to this strong economic bond between humans and animals in organic farming, there also is a moral (and sometimes emotional) bond to animals as sentient and fellow beings on this planet. This imposes a responsibility on humans for the welfare of farm animals. However, the development of organic animal husbandry has been slower than the organic plant production. There are several reasons for this, historical and philosophical as well as the fact that research on animal production often is more expensive and difficult to carry out compared to crop research. However, organic animal research has increased considerably in several European countries lately and resulting from this, improved efficiency and productivity can be expected in organic animal production, as well as better animal welfare.

There is a big interest in organic farming in Europe, both among politicians, consumers and farmers. Organic agriculture is subsidized by the EU, and the Commission is currently working on an Action Plan for organic food and agriculture. Animals are an important part of most organic farms and research to develop better organic systems is now performed in many European countries. Thus we can expect organic animal production to increase during the years to come. At the same time there are challenges and dilemmas that the organic movement and organic farmers must face and solve to improve animal production and to maintain credibility and trust among consumers, for example in relation to animal welfare.


In organic farming, agriculture is often referred to as an agroecosystem. An agroecosystem is a community of plants and animal interaction with their physical and chemical environments that have been modified by people to produce feed, fibers and other products for human consumption and processing. The goal of organic farming is to design a quilt of agroecosystems within a landscape unit, each mimicking the structure and function of local, natural ecosystems, thus acquiring their resilience and sustainability. Ideally, the organic farmer manipulates the natural ecosystem to achieve sustainable production, using an understanding of ecological relationships while trying to minimize the use of external inputs and harm to the environment.

The Role Of Animals In Organic Farming

Although it is possible to create agroecosystems without farm animal, animal provide substantial advantages for system productivity and sustainability. For example, farm animal have an important role in processing biomass and recycling nutrients. Organic farming systems with herbivores are generally more productive than those without them. The animals can fill trophic niches that otherwise would not be utilized, for example marginal lands otherwise unsuitable for agriculture. However, in order to create sustainable agroecosystems, the animal component must meet certain requirements:-

1. The selection of species and breeds must be adapted to crop production suitable for the area, to available resources on the farm or in the region, and to local agro-climatic conditions.

2. The number of animals must be balanced in relation to the possible crop production and available resources.

3. Rearing systems must be designed to avoid harming the environment and to minimize the use of fossil energy.

Ruminants, such as cattle and sheep, have a particularly important role in agroecosystems since they process leguminous forage plants. These are the backbone of organic crop production because of their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. To obtain sufficient nitrogen in an organic crop rotation, about one-third of the crops should be legumes. In practice this means that organic animal production must be based on ruminants (and that these are fed like ruminants). In contrast, monogastric animal, such as pig and poultry, require high quality protein in their diets. These animals can be considered as competing with humans for food, at least to the extent they use protein sources suitable for direct human consumption. Thus, it is sometimes argued that monogastric animals should be considered marginal in organic farming, primarily to be fed on agricultural wastes. They also can contribute to the agroecosystem by producing useful services, such as biological weed or pest control.

Development approaches for organic animal production in developing countries has to be based on realistic and practical situations. First, one must recognize the limitation and complexities of export market for animal products, while there exists greater market opportunities for organic animal products locally, for instance indigenous chicken meat and eggs. Practical approaches for organic farming should be based on and developed from locally existing animal production systems which already have close resemblance to prescribed organic practices, such as those mentioned earlier for ruminant and indigenous chicken production. The local standards and guidelines for organic animal farming ought to be initially considered and developed from such existing animal husbandry practices. Further development of such standards will be a continuous process based on practical experiences gained from production, processing, and marketing of the resulted organic animal products.

The Success of the promotion of organic animal farming at national level will depend on many important factors including government policies and legislative supports, socio-economic infrastructure, farm training and extension as well as other technical supports.

The Role Of Animals In Organic Farming

EnterFarm eBook Magazine

A Look at the Most Common Vegetable Garden Pests

Bugs and insects are a huge pain for many vegetable gardeners. Some insect varieties are able to demolish your garden in a matter of hours. The majority of bugs are more of a nuisance than willfully destructive, but discovering these pests making a meal of your crop would make anybody furious.

Let's take a look at a few of the most familiar bugs and insects found in the vegetable garden, how to spot them, and how to eliminate them.

\"Organic Vegetable\"

Among the ugliest garden pests is the tomato hornworm. It dines on the fruit and leaves of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants. It is a big, fat, white and green worm that is similar to a caterpillar, with a big horn that resembles a stinger. It can be plucked from the plant using gloved hands and submerged in soapy water to kill it. Alternatively, you could spray the tomato hornworm with stomach poison insecticide, neem oil, or Bacillus thuringiensis.

A Look at the Most Common Vegetable Garden Pests

Thrips overrun numerous plants such as cabbages, beans, melons, carrots, peas, turnips, squash, tomatoes and celery. They create uneven white markings on the plant's leaves, leaving them looking deformed. To get rid of them, use a hose to wash off the bugs and then spritz on some contact poison.

Snails and slugs are particularly damaging to tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, turnips and lettuce. You know they've been there because they leave behind a slimy trail and eat the leaves on the plants. You could purchase bait to get rid of them, but if you put a shallow dish containing beer in the garden, they will be attracted to it and drown.

If you notice fat white worms in the soil, you're probably looking at grubs. Grubs will cause your plants to droop, and may stunt their growth. They can be held in check by adding milky spore to the soil. Grubs later become beetles, which can be wiped out using stomach poison insecticide.

Cutworms have a preference for peppers, cabbages, and tomatoes, and typically cut down the stem near the bottom of the plant. The only successful means of controlling them is by placing a paper collar around your plants, submerged about an inch below ground and rising the same height above ground.

Corn earworms will infiltrate a cob of corn while it's still on the stalk and consume the kernels. Similarly, the tomato fruitworm will chow down on the interior of eggplants, peppers and tomatoes. Try using an insecticide that specifically targets earworms, and make certain to remove the affected plants after harvesting to discourage the pests from returning the following year.

If you observe the leaves wilting on your plants, look for a hole in the stem where a borer has drilled into the plant. Borers are found in the stems of plants such as pumpkins, melons, cucumbers and squash. The only way to eliminate them is to cut them out of the plant. If the borer is discovered near the base, you will have to remove the entire plant and destroy it. Try using insecticide to discourage them.

Beetles are bothersome pests that enjoy munching on leaves. They are able to do an astonishing amount of harm to a vegetable garden, therefore it's essential to eliminate them. It's possible to pluck the beetles off the plants, or spray with an insecticide to destroy them.

Aphids are frequently found in a vegetable garden. Typically, you'll come across bunches of tiny, soft bugs in assorted colors. They come in yellow, gray, red, pink, black, and green. To eliminate aphids, use neem oil or insecticidal soap.

A Look at the Most Common Vegetable Garden Pests

Sarah Duke is publisher of The Vegetable Patch, where you'll find lots of great information for starting a vegetable garden.

Raised Vegetable Garden - How to Build Raised Vegetable Beds

Building a raised vegetable garden bed
Once you have decided on where to place your raised vegetable garden, you will need to clear away the weeds. This is not essential but it may prevent persistent weeds from growing up through your new bed. Making the ground flat and level will enable you raised garden bed to sit square on the ground.

Free-form raised vegetable bed
Additionally you will need to decide on the materials for building the walls of the beds. You may decide simply to pile up the soil on top of the ground. You may use the existing top soil from the surrounding paths but it is important to enrich this soil with plenty of compost and well-rotted manure for optimal harvests.


Timber raised vegetable bed
You may choose to build your raised vegetable garden from timber - untreated timber will not last as long but treated timber may contain chemicals which could leach into the soil. Redwood and cedar are thought to be the most rot-resistant wood. An oil stain (with no chemical preservatives to harm your veggies) will help the untreated wood last longer. For the shallowest bed recommended, you can choose boards 6" or 8" wide. These boards can be 1" or 2" thick. Cut these boards to the desired length and securely screw them together to make a rectangular box. To make a stronger box, you can attach on the inside of each corner, a 6x6 piece of lumber, making them long enough to go into the ground and so anchor the bed in place. The taller and longer you make a wooden raised bed, the more careful you have to be to brace and support the walls to prevent them from bowing under the pressure of the soil.

Raised Vegetable Garden - How to Build Raised Vegetable Beds

Brick, concrete block or stone raised bed
Bricks or concrete blocks can make an attractive raised vegetable garden but are heavier to work with. You will need to ensure that they are laid alternating, like in a house, so that the seams don't line up. If your bricks are only two or three layers high, you will just be able to lay them in position and no mortar will be necessary. Concrete blocks will only need to be one layer high. A loose stone wall should be laid with the largest stones at the bottom and each subsequent layer should slightly lean into the garden bed. The gaps between the stones can be packed with smaller stones and soil.

Recycled materials for a raised vegetable bed
Anything which holds soil and will not bend out of shape or collapse can be used for your raised vegetable beds including a recycled kiddies paddling pool or recycled tires. So if you want to build a cheap raised vegetable garden, keep your eyes open for good materials to recycle into a useful garden bed.

Raised Vegetable Garden - How to Build Raised Vegetable Beds

For more information
To learn more about raised beds and see lots of different raised bed designs and videos, see this raised vegetable garden webpage. Check out this vegetable garden layout webpage for creative ideas in designing your vegetable garden. I wish you all the best with your new vegetable garden.

Organic Gardening - How to Control Stink Bugs on Tomatoes

The stink bug is a common pest with tomato plants and other plants in the garden. I North America alone there are 250 species and worldwide there have been over 4,700 species described in almost 900 genera. They live throughout the world in our fields, meadows and yards and can be controlled by a few different methods in organic gardening.

It is the member of the bug family pentatomidae and easily recognize with having a shield like body. There life cycle like all hemipterans undergo simple metamorphosis with three stages that are the egg, nymph and adult. Eggs are laid in groups on plant stems and the underside of leaves. The nymph look very similar to the adult but have a rounder rather than shield shape body. The nymphs go through 5 instars before becoming an adult and this all happens in a 4 - 5 week period. A major problem in gardens is that the adult stink bug will overwinter in the garden under debris, boards, logs or even leaf litter. There are some species that the nymph will do the same.


A stink bugs diet in a garden can be devastating. They use there piercing mouth part to suck sap from the leaves, stems and fruit of plants and can cause injury to them. The stink bug actually begins it's life as a herbivores and then becomes a predator. As a predator it will overpower caterpillars and beetle larva and keep pest insects in check.

Organic Gardening - How to Control Stink Bugs on Tomatoes

The defense system against other predators is it's smell. They expel a foul smelling compound from there thoracic gland when threatened. This smell sends a chemical message to other stink bugs that there is danger in the area and it can also suppress the attack of harmful microorganisms. This scent also plays a role in the attraction of mates.

There are organic methods to aid in the control of the stink bug. These methods include companion planting, trap planting, washing and spraying.

Companion planting is one of the best methods to prevent the stink bug from getting into your garden. This is simply done by planting herbs and other natural deterrent plants with your crop that will repel stink bugs, like marigolds, chrysanthemums, garlic, lavender, mints and thyme.

Another method that will keep the stink bug off your plants and deter them from your garden is to simply wash the plants with straight water daily for about a week.

There are sprays that can also be made by mixing either vegetable oil, olive oil or even lavender oil with 1/2 water and spray your tomatoes.

Trap planting is a method that attracts the stink bug to a location away from your garden. The stink bugs is know to like the color yellow. Crops other that your common crops you plant in your garden like sunflowers, buckwheat, triticale, sorghum and millet are plants that will attract the stink bug to a location that you can deal with them.

Fall cleanup of the garden is very important in pest control in an organic garden. Leaving debris in the garden give them the perfect environment to overwinter.

Organic Gardening - How to Control Stink Bugs on Tomatoes

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.

John Yazo


More Vegetable Constipation Remedies

Here are more constipation remedies using vegetables. Use vegetables every day for good health. When you have constipation then you want to eat more vegetables and fruits than normal. After you clear your constipation, them back off from eating excess vegetables and just eat what you need to prevent constipation.

Carrots, Cabbage and Raisins


Because carrots contain fiber, they help to form a good stool and promote peristaltic action. By combining carrots with cabbage and raisins, you can create an even more powerful food that will help in relieving constipation. Combine the following vegetables to form an evening salad:

More Vegetable Constipation Remedies

* Chopped carrots
* Shredded cabbage (raw or slightly steamed)
* Romaine lettuce
* Cauliflower
* Cucumbers
* A handful raisins
* Sprinkle a tablespoon of grounded flax seeds
* Mix in 1 - 2 tablespoons of olive oil or more
* Mix in 1 tablespoon of flax seed oil
* Mix in 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or more
* One tablespoon of lecithin granules

Eat this salad once or twice a day for three days. After that you should continue to eat a vegetable salad for lunch or dinner. Make sure to drink plenty of water when eating more fiber.

Carrot and Spinach Juice

Combine 10 oz of carrot and 6 oz of spinach juice. Drink two pints daily. Both these vegetables have nutrients to help relieve your constipation.


Cucumbers are good for preventing constipation. But they can be used in the carrot-spinach juice or the apple-spinach juice. Cucumbers make these juices more powerful. Use only about ¼ - ½ of a cucumber when adding it to these juices. You can experiment with how much cucumber you want to add.

Cucumbers are a natural diuretic and help to dissolve kidney stones. Because they are high in potassium, they help to promote the flexibility of colon cells. This helps to keep your colon working, as it should.

Cabbage and Asparagus

Cabbage is high in fiber and contains a good amount of potassium, foliate, beta-carotene and many other nutrients - bioflavonoids, indoles, genistein, monoterpenes. It is these various chemicals that give it its potent ability to reduce or prevent colon cancer and heal various ulcers along the gastrointestinal tract.

Cabbage is anti-bacterial and helps to heal tissues in the stomach, intestines, and colon.

Drinking cabbage juice produces intestinal gas. This gas occurs when cabbage juices combine with putrefied layers in the intestines and colon.

Use little or no salt on any preparation of cabbage. Salt destroys the nutritional value of cabbage.

There are many forms of cabbage you can use for your juices - green, red, savoy, bok choy Asparagus. Asparagus are also high in fiber. They also provide foliate and vitamins A and C. Refrigerate asparagus quickly if you are not going to use them and keep them for 3 days or less. Asparagus that have not been refrigerated lose their nutritional value quickly.

People with gout should not eat asparagus since they contain purines that can start a gout attack.

Steam your cabbage and asparagus with a slight amount of water for 3-4 minutes or less. Eat just before going to bed and take some digestive enzymes to help digest this food.

More Vegetable Constipation Remedies

Rudy Silva gives you more free constipation information. Go get his free "Constipation Secrets 10 Week Course" to discover how to get rid of Constipation: Vegetables for Constipation Go here for more free tips: Constipation Remedies

How To Take Care Of Orchids

As one of the oldest known flowers on the planet, the orchid has grown from just another prehistoric plant into one of the most loved flowers today. Whether you wish to send them as a thank you or a message of love, or grow and cultivate them yourself, these beautiful flowers can light up even the drabbest of rooms with their multitude of colors and extravagant looks. Yet in order for them to remain at their best, you need to know the specifics of how to take care of orchids properly.

Since there are many variations of orchids, you should check the specific care needs of yours. However, as a general rule, the following guidelines will help your orchid thrive:

\"Organic Vegetable\"

  • There are two sets of temperature to orchids at. While you can go as low as 60 degrees F at night, you should keep this between 75-85 degrees F in daylight hours.
  • Although orchids enjoy sunlight, try keeping them shaded during the warmer parts of the day, between 11.00am and 3.00pm.
  • Water is not as important a factor in how to take care of orchids as it might be with other flowers or plants. Unlike many other plants, orchids grow as if they were on top of trees, so very little water is required.
  • You only need to worry about re-potting an orchid roughly every two or three years. Unless they outgrow their pot or the mixture it's planted in becomes damaged; then you will need to re-pot before this.
  • When it comes to feeding an orchid, they are very low maintenance. Since they thrive on sunlight and a minimum of water, you only need to add to this once a month with alternative products. A good source of nourishment is any kind of fertilizer that is high in nitrogen. The good thing with orchids is that they can be fed all year round, unlike many other plants.
  • Maintaining the plant is extremely easy. When the very last flower has gone, simply cut down the stem of the flower pike, and then seal the cut with either melted candle wax or a slight amount of powdered cinnamon. Keep looking after the plant until you can see if it's going to bloom again.

How To Take Care Of Orchids

As you can see, it's not difficult to learn how to care for orchids properly, even if you're a beginner to gardening or plants in general. With just a little maintenance, these wonderful plants can cover any garden or plant area with their vibrant color, and give you hours of relaxation as you look out at them.

How To Take Care Of Orchids

Marco Cello is the owner of Visit us if you want to learn more Information on How To Take Care Of Orchids.

Flax Seed as Whole Grain

Much hype has been put into the health benefits of consuming whole grain foods in the last few years; many Americans have been quick to reform their diets in view of the growing incidences of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. However, finding whole grain products does not come easy with most grocery stores lining their shelves with pasta, pastries, chips, and premixed food items that have been manufactured using refined grains. Apart from that, the typical high fat and low fiber diets that come enriched by refined sugars and carbohydrates only expose consumers to a threshold of health risks.

Nevertheless, the clamor for whole grain products and its health benefits has instituted relevant dietary guidelines from the federal government, and influenced food manufacturers to release a number of food products into the mainstream prepared with whole grains such as wheat, wild rice, and oats among others. Studies reveal that refined grains no longer contain the complete nutritional components of fiber, trace minerals, vitamins, and unsaturated fats found in whole grains, despite fortification and enrichment.


Surprising is the exclusion of ground flax seed from the roster of essential whole grains, despite its high nutritional content. Flax seed actually manifests all of the properties and essential nutritional components typical of a whole grain. A consumption of milled flax seed provides the benefit of fiber, lignans, and essential fatty acids (EFAs), particularly Omega 3. In fact, flax seed happens to be the richest plant source for Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) and the naturally occurring compound called lignans that helps prevent the onset of certain cancers.

Flax Seed as Whole Grain

Dietary fibers abound in the bran of the flax seed, a plant nutrient that promotes stool movement and gastrointestinal health while preventing colon cancer in the process of helping rid the large intestines of wastes and harmful toxins. Break the kernel through a cold milling process or through a simple grind and what you will obtain is a tantamount of health benefits in the name of Omega 3 that is abundant with flax seed oil. The fatty acid Omega 3 helps regulate the bodys metabolic, digestive, and cardiovascular functions. A few ounces of milled flax seed each day leads to healthy weight management as well as regular cholesterol and blood glucose readings.

Whole grain status or not, flax seed and flax seed oil rightfully deserves its place as a health food supplement in your diet. Get into the flax habit today and let its kernels nourish your body like whole grain!

Flax Seed as Whole Grain

Bruce Maul is a partner in Goldf Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed and Health related products. Learn more about Flax Seed by visiting

Vegetable Garden Plans - 7 Types Of Vegetable Gardens

Are you considering making a vegetable garden? If so, you should check into some vegetable garden plans. Garden plans inspire new, creative ideas even as they allow you to plan things out in advance before you do the "real" work of moving things around and planting and transplanting. It's always best to have a plan on paper first before you do the harder-to-correct work of actually putting things in order and planting things. Having garden plans in advance will save you time, money, and frustration.

Vegetable garden plans should be designed around factors such as personal taste, where you live geographically, and how much space you have for planting. Let's consider some garden plans that you may want to implement.


  1. Patio vegetable garden. Make a compact and easily tended garden on your deck or patio. Use two small soil beds and have a dense, synergistic mixture of herbs, vegetables, and flowers in each one.
  2. Colorful vegetable gardens. Use harmonious but contrasting colors in your choice of things you plant. These are interesting gardens. They also tend to be very healthy for you, since it's recommended that you get a "mixture of colors" in your veggies and fruits for optimal health.
  3. Heritage vegetable garden. Now, what's this mean? It means make it full of heirloom varieties of veggies. Again, this is diverse to the end of good health while at once being interesting and artistically inspired to create.
  4. The Asian vegetable garden. You might have to look online for some (or most) of the veggies you would grow in this garden. But it would yield different tastes than what you may be used to. Furthermore, Asian vegetables tend to need less space for growing than what could be found in Farmer MacGregor's garden.
  5. The Italian garden. We all know that the Italians make incredibly tasty food. Imagine having the tomatoes and herbs and other ingredients you need to make your own spaghetti or pizza sauce among other Mediterranean dishes.
  6. The All-American veggie garden. Hey, who says Americans just make hot dogs, burgers, fries, and take-out pizza? Research American veggie varieties and put together a garden that you'd be proud to "drag" a Chicago-style hot dog through.
  7. Autumn yield garden. What's better than still harvesting fresh produce on crisp mornings or evenings, just before the Winter sets in? Lay up your stores for the months of plant dormancy.
Now you've seen some very interesting and creative garden plans. To learn even more about vegetable garden plans that you can use, just follow the link below.

Vegetable Garden Plans - 7 Types Of Vegetable Gardens
Vegetable Garden Plans - 7 Types Of Vegetable Gardens

Absolutely everything you need to know to set up a garden [] that produces many times more than a traditional vegetable garden that only requires 8 hours of light easy effort per year at []

How to Take Care of a Money Tree - This Tree is Easy!

Are you wondering how to take care of a money tree? If so, you are in luck. This tree is easy even for a beginner! Anyone can grow this tree successfully with minimal effort. The pachira, or money tree, is said to bring wealth, prosperity, good fortune and more. That is a lot to deliver for a plant that requires so little in return. You can't beat it.

The pachira plant is often thought of as a gift. Many people give it as a present for wedding, new businesses and more. The idea that it will bring good fortune and wealth to it's owner is what makes it a perfect and thoughtful gift. Every time that the recipient of this tree sees it in the room, they will remember that you wished them well and wanted them to be successful. It is a constant and beautiful reminder of your well wishes.

\"Organic Vegetable\"

There is very little to keep track of when learning how to take care of a money tree. It all boils down to the basics, water and sunlight. Make sure it gets the proper amount of each, and you are all set!

How to Take Care of a Money Tree - This Tree is Easy!

The money tree plant should not be over-watered. It should be watered until the soil is moist, but not so much that the water is standing on top of the soil or running heavily out of the bottom of the pot. On the very first day that the soil feels dry to the touch, water the plant again. If the leaves are curling, the plant is trying to tell you that it is getting too much water. If the leaves get dry and brittle, more water is needed. How easy is that? This plant tells you what you need to know!

The pachira plant needs 6-8 hours of sunlight a day. A nice spot in front of a window that gets a lot of sun is perfect! If you don't want to think about that or don't have a spot, it can be grown outdoors in zones 9 and above. During the hot summer months, a hot sunny window seat can be a little too much for the plant. Just reduce the amount of time that it is there and you and your plant will be fine.

These are the very basic, very simple instructions on how to take care of a money tree. Once you figure out just what your tree likes, you will do great!

How to Take Care of a Money Tree - This Tree is Easy!

For more information about money tree care and where to get one, visit Money Plant Tree.

Flax Seed - Good News For Diabetics

Diabetics on the lookout for a dietary supplement to ease the symptoms of the metabolic disorder can find a healthy option in flax seed, whether in its whole, ground or oil form. Flax seed endeavors a holistic nourishment being enriched with omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals.

Considering that diabetes mellitus affects the body's metabolic functions, particularly impairing the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin, flax seed is also an excellent nutritional complement to the maintenance of insulin-sensitizer drugs.


How can flax seed help in relieving diabetes symptoms?

Flax Seed - Good News For Diabetics

Flax seed contains a good proportion of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids deemed beneficial to circulatory health. Supplements formulated with these essential fatty acids have been affirmed to regulate elevated blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Furthermore, the Omega 3 present in the grain conveys anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risks of symptomatic hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, ketoacidosis and atherosclerosis.

Clinical studies reveal how the antioxidant properties of the grain, in line with its high lignan content, aids in the management of insulin-resistant diabetes. This benefit is attributive of the estrogenic activities of lignans which promotes pancreatic functioning of insulin and sustains hormonal balance in the body. Regarded as an adaptogen, flax lignans restores cellular processing of glucose to therefore prevent what triggers diabetes mellitus, reduce its risks to health and relieve related symptoms as well.

Thus by addressing nutritional deficiencies, diabetes mellitus can be properly managed. Given its high dietary fiber content, along with other essential nutrients such as potassium, zinc, magnesium, and lecithin; flax seed remarkably supports the daily nutritional requirements of diabetics. To this intent, flax seed can be utilized as an alternative ingredient to eggs, flour or wheat to support the need for increased Omega 3 fatty acid intake among diabetes sufferers.

Holistic Benefits of Flax Seed

We've seen how the medicinal benefits of its bioactive compounds makes flax seed a promising component of a diabetes diet. Though besides regulating blood glucose levels, supplementation with the grain can also help lower LDL cholesterol levels through Omega 3 support. A boost of lignan antioxidants meanwhile reduces the risk of certain cancers, so why not integrate flax seed sprinkles in your next meal?

Cravings for sugary treats and carbs while managing the spikes in blood sugar levels can be pacified through the consumption of flax seed meals. Skim the Internet and you're bound to find a handful of flax seed recipes published. From drinks to whole meals, you will discover that flax seed is not only a healthy supplement but a savory treat as well.

Flax Seed - Good News For Diabetics

Bruce Maul is a partner in Gold Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed and Health related products. Learn more about Flax Seed by visiting

Ampalaya Vegetable

In the Philippines, the ampalaya leaves are mostly applied for children's coughs. It is as well applied in the medication of skin ailments, infertility in women, as a parasiticide, as an antipyretic, and as a purgative. In traditional belief, parasites within the body are extracted whenever ampalaya juices made from leaves are taken. Decoction of leaves and roots can be used for cough, fever, worms, diarrhea, diabetes and as a stringent to cure hemorrhoids. Both leaves and fruits can be both juiced and taken orally. Also, warmed leaves can apply to headaches, wounds, burn and some skin infections.

Seeds are as well utilized to eject worms. Extracted juice from fruit applied for dysentery and unceasing colitis. The vine or the juice of leaves used as mild purgative for children. In large doses, the fresh juice is a drastic purgative. Decoction of roots and seeds used for urethral discharges. Pounded leaves used for scalds. Mixtures of leaves or leaf juice cure fevers. In Jamaica, leaf decoction or infusion is taken for colds, as medicine and blood cleanser. Warm tea infusions also used for toothaches and mouth infections. Also used as a bath/wash for skin eruptions and acne. Used for eczema, malaria, gout, jaundice, abdominal pain, kidney (stone), leprosy, leucorrhea, piles, pneumonia, psoriasis,, rheumatism, fever and scabies.


Among the vegetables grown in the Philippines, ampalaya is one of them. Which grown even in wild areas of the Philippines like the wild distant regions of Batanes. Ampalaya or bitter melon possesses a bitter taste due to its momordicin content. Sufficient researches and studies have been conducted on the efficiency of utilizing ampalaya in the medication of diabetes. It has been exposed to amplify generation of beta cells by the pancreas, thus enhancing the body's aptitude to generate insulin. As recommended by the Department of Health of the Philippines, it is one of the supreme herbal remedy due to its potential to sustain liver difficulties, diabetes and HIV.

Ampalaya Vegetable

One of the very effective elements in herbal medicine is the amplaya. Ampalaya fruit is identified to cure and lighten the indications of rheumatism and gout and sickness within the spleen and liver. It is as well efficient in aiding reducing the body's sugar and blood pressure levels.

The following are the various advantageous features of applying bitter gourd:

• Superior for rheumatism and gout
• Cures disease on spleen and liver
• Lower sugar and blood pressure levels
• Ease headaches
• As antibacterial for wounds and burns
• Remedy for cough and fever
• Treats intestinal parasites and diarrhea
• Averts some type of cancer
• Improve immune system
• Good antioxidant, antibacterial and antipyretic agent


Methodical and epidemiological proofs shows that ampalaya assists to improve and regulate the blood sugar among diabetics. Its dynamic component, momordicin is an extract seen in the leaves and fruits which is revealed to have antidiabetic traits as contained in the Physician"s Guide to Philippine Nutraceutical. CharaGen is made from only the best ampalaya fruits.

CharaGen is extremely suggested for individual having Type 2 diabetes, individual who have a family history of diabetes and those who would want to avert the commencement of harmful sugar rates.

CharaGen is manufactured in a facility that corresponds to present Good Manufacturing Practices and is subjected to an exclusive process called QualiCheck. This process is a form of quality control in which measures are applied at significant points in the creation of the product. CharaGen is accepted by the Bureau of Food and Drug of the Philippines and is sporadically tested by the Societe Generales de Surveillance (SGS) for its quality. CharaGen does not enclose any artificial preservatives nor fake coloring and consumers are guaranteed of its security and effectiveness.

A product of:

ABS Gen Herbs International Corporation.
Corporate Office: PG Tower 115 Malakas St.
Diliman Quezon City, Philippines
Tel Nos. (+632) 926-3252

(+632) 925-9318

(+632) 926-6304
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Where to Buy in Philippines:

Mercury Drugstores
Mansons Drugstores
Emilenes Drugstores
Rose Pharmacy
Robinsons Supermarkets
Rustans Supermarkets
Ever Supermarkets
Puregold Supermarkets
South Supermarkets
Gaisano Supermarkets

Where to Buy in Europe
Mercury Drugstores

Is an inventive product composed of 3 prevailing herbs: ampalaya banaba, and luyang dilaw. Ampalaya Plus has been confirmed to efficiently reduce blood glucose by the researched done by Dr. Ricardo Quintos of University of the Philippines, College of Medicine. It can aid individual in diabetes, weight control, cholesterol, high blood, arthritis and pimple and acne.

Ampalaya is a vegetable established effectiveness in diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and even infection, various research have illustrated that Ampalaya raises the consumption of glucose by the liver. Ampalaya Plus also has Banaba, a herb that lowers sugar and helps in decreasing mass. Banaba as well contains strerols that defend the body against sickness by augmenting the immune system. Luyang Dilaw is an herb, that reduce scholesterol and has anti-oxidants. This herb is also accounted to defend the liver and supports to maintain liver function. Ampalaya

Where to Buy
Mobile Support: 0920-9192929 or 0920-9192727

Ampalaya Vegetable

If you want to know more about Ampalaya visit my website for more Health Information

Buying Organic Cotton Fabric Wholesale

If you know several people that buy clothes from organic cotton fabrics because it is better for the environment and your skin, then you might want to consider buying organic cotton fabric wholesale. While many people want to wear organic cotton fabric, some find that clothes made from the material is more expensive than clothes that are made from material that is treated with harsh chemicals. This limits the amount of organic clothing that they can buy. It may even restrict some people from buying the clothes made from organic cotton fabric at all. By purchasing larger amounts of organic cotton fabric wholesale, though, everyone you know will be able to save money.

When you buy larger quantities of organic cotton fabric wholesale, you will be getting the fabric at a cheaper price than you could if you bought it in smaller amounts from a store. The more organic cotton fabric that you buy wholesale, the cheaper the price will be for each yard that you buy. While you might not be able to use large amounts of wholesale organic cotton fabric for your family, when you get together with other families that would like to buy organic cotton fabric wholesale, you might find that you can get the fabric at cheap prices and then divide it amongst those who have contributed money.


There are lots of things that you can make with the organic cotton fabrics that you buy wholesale. Anything that you use that is made out of cotton can be made with wholesale organic cotton fabric. You might find that your family could benefit from sleeping on bed sheets that are made from the organic cotton fabric that you buy wholesale. Because organic cotton fabric isn't made with the harsh pesticides, herbicides, and dyes that are used to make other cotton fabrics, you can help prevent the development of skin sensitivities and allergies by making your bed sheets out of organic cotton fabric.

Buying Organic Cotton Fabric Wholesale

When you buy organic cotton fabric wholesale, you will probably have enough to use for several different projects, even if you have divided the fabric amongst several people. If you have some fabric left over from making bed sheets, then you might be able to make clothes out of your wholesale organic cotton fabric. By making your family's active wear out of the organic cotton fabric that you buy wholesale, you can help ensure that their skin stays healthy. While the chemicals that are used to make most cotton fabric can affect your skin even when you're sitting still, if you are sweating those chemicals can have an even harsher effect.

Buy getting together with other people to purchase large quantities of organic cotton fabric wholesale, you will be saving everyone money and providing them with a fabric that is good for your skin and the environment. It will help reduce some of the cost that you normally have to spend on organic fabrics, and you will be able to complete more projects out of the fabric that you buy.

Also, some companies out there offer custom-weaving of organic cotton fabrics with minimums as low as 100 yards per pattern/color. They are the ones to look at.

Buying Organic Cotton Fabric Wholesale

Amit BUD (MBA, BBM) is a fabric expert and fabric sourcer / supplier / vendor whose company Atlantis Fabrics:, offers fabrics like patchwork madras, organic cotton, bamboo fabric, madras, cotton prints, silk fabrics, linen, jute, knits and all kinds of fabrics, sourced directly from their own warehouse in India.Custom-manufacturing of any fabric carried out, plus ready stocks of millions of yards on all fabrics, and available right here online at:

and patchwork madras can be seen specifically at:

Organic Gelatin? Yes!

Gelatin - what is it?

Gelatin is pretty much translucent, tasteless and odorless and is commonly used in foods, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The culinary gelatin is used mostly as a thickening or emulsifying agent and can be purchased in powder or sheet form. It can also be found in a host of prepared foods, from desserts, ice cream, jellies and yoghurt to cream cheese, marshmallows, gummy bears, aspic and margarine.


Gelatin is a high-grade protein derived from animal collagen by a process known as hydrolysis. Typically it is made from bovine or pork products, specifically skin or bones. Less common, but important for a kosher or halal diet, is gelatin made from fish.

Organic Gelatin? Yes!

For a vegetarian diet try agar-agar, pectin, carrageen or gum arabic as alternative gelling agents.

Nutritional Value & Health Benefits

Gelatin contains 18 amino acids, of which 9 are essential for humans. It is an especially good source of the essential amino acid Lysine. And though it would be incomplete as a single protein source, gelatin makes a nutritious addition to your everyday diet. It contains no fat, cholesterol or carbohydrates, is free of any additives and easy to digest.

An increasing number of studies suggest that gelatin not only promotes healthy hair and nails, but it may also improve bone and cartilage health. In particular 2 of the amino acids found in gelatin (Glycine and Proline) are needed to produce collagen, the primary component of connective tissues such as cartilage. Thanks to the Lysine, Gelatin also appears to be beneficial to athletes for muscle growth and metabolism.

Quality Concerns - Go Organic!

So, you are a conscious consumer, determined to avoid eggs from chicken factories and meats that are loaded with growth hormones and antibiotics; But what about the quality of the gelatin products on the market?

In fact the quality varies greatly and is influenced by the filtration and purification processes during production. But more importantly the quality is determined by the initial ingredients used for the gelatin production. To end up with a high quality product you have to start out with high quality ingredients, in this case healthy animals, raised in a pure environment. If you are trying to avoid meat from inhumane mass production factories, it only makes sense to set the same standards for all other animal products and by-products.

For a product such as gelatin to receive the organic certification, organic standards have to be followed from the start by the farm that raises the animals to the end of the production lines of the producer and packer.

Since the supply of organic meats has been growing steadily, one could easily assume that organic gelatin would also be readily available - which has been true for some parts of Europe, but not for Canada and the US. Amazingly, it was not commercially available in North America until recently.

It is very good news that this has changed: Certified Organic Gelatin is now commercially available under the brand name GoBIO!. You can purchase it online, at, but it is also starting to pop up in local health food stores and coops around Canada and hopefully soon in the US as well.

There have been some concerns about gelatin derived from cow collagen, due to BSE, also known as 'mad cow disease'. Though studies have demonstrated that the gelatin production process destroys most of the BSE that may be present in the raw material, some concerns remain. This issue can easily be avoided by using exclusively pork based gelatin, such as the GoBIO! brand.

Consumers, we now have a choice! We can feel good about jellin' away, reaping the health benefits while enjoying the characteristic jiggly consistency that only it has to offer.

Organic Gelatin? Yes!

To learn more about pork based Organic Gelatin go to

Flax Seed - The Natural Laxative

It is all right to take over-the-counter laxatives once in a while, especially if you have been badly constipated for a few days. Relying on laxatives alone to get the bowels moving is not beneficial to your body in the long run. Know that the prolonged conveyance of chemical substances to the gut could seriously disrupt the bacterial flora of the gastrointestinal tract and compromise the bodys immune defenses in the process. What the body needs is a natural laxative that will provide you about three bowel movements a day and of course get you dumping those feces regularly. And to get that done, you will have to feed the body frequently with plant sources rich in dietary fibers, like flax seed.

Flax seedis packed with remarkable health benefits inside and out, making it an ideal dietary supplement. The husk is enriched with insoluble fibers that readily combine with water to soften stool, induce bowel movement, and facilitate the excretion of feces from the colon to prevent constipation. Moreover, dietary fibers instantly provide a full feeling during meals, making flax seed an effective weight loss supplement as well. Grind the seed moderately and your body will surely benefit from a threshold of nutrients you will not find bundled in any other dietary supplement.


Trapped inside the husk isflax seed oil,which happens to be the richest plant resource for the renowned EFAs (essential fatty acids) known as Omega 3 and also the phytochemicals called lignans. Omega 3 EFAs are unsaturated types of fat that sweep the artery walls from an undue formation of HDL, or the bad cholesterol, thus preventing the onset of hypertension, heart disease, and strokes. What a good way to nurture your cardiovascular health! Omega 3 also helps regulate metabolic, digestive, mental, and adrenal functions.

Flax Seed - The Natural Laxative

Lignans are naturally occurring chemicals that play a vital role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, tumor, and cancer cell formation by cushioning the impact of free radicals on bodily cells. Flax seed was not hailed as the health wonder of the 90s for nothing. Completing its nutritional portfolio is an array of vitamins and minerals bound to keep the body agile, fit, and healthy all day long.

Say goodbye to pharmaceutical laxatives for good. Taking milled flax seed regularly beats constipation in no time while nourishing the body with the health benefits of dietary fibers, Omega 3, lignans, and multivitamins. That is nutrition and wellness available in a few servings of flax.

Flax Seed - The Natural Laxative

Bruce Maul is a partner in Goldf Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed and Health related products. Learn more about Flax Seed by visiting

Are There Toxic Chemicals in Your "ORGANIC" Personal Care Products?

The Organic Consumers Association has stated that many so-called "organic" or "natural" product brands were actually made with toxic chemicals such as 1,4-dioxane, Olefin Sulfonate, and Amdiopropyl Betaine.

Recently, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps filed a lawsuit in California Superior Court against a number of personal care brands to force them to stop making misleading organic labeling claims. Companies sued by Dr. Bronner's include Estee Lauder, Ecocert, OASIS, Stella McCartney's CARE, Jasön, Avalon Organics, Nature's Gate, Kiss My Face, Ikove and others. Each of the companies being sued is using potentially dangerous chemicals that certainly don't qualify as natural or organic, according to Dr Bronner's.


The products include shampoo, body wash, liquid soap, skin cleansers and other personal care products. It seems that many of the companies in the "organic" products industry are flatly dishonest, and they're jumping on the organic bandwagon as a clever tactic to make a quick buck rather than formulating their products with genuinely honest organic ingredients that put consumer health first.

Are There Toxic Chemicals in Your "ORGANIC" Personal Care Products?

The major cleansing ingredient in Jason "Pure, Natural & Organic" liquid soaps, body washes and shampoos is Sodium Myreth Sulfate, a corrosive de-greaser which is cumulative in the body and is listed as hazardous on the data sheets that the US government puts out on chemicals.

The major cleansing ingredient in Avalon "Organics" soaps, bodywashes and shampoos,
Cocamidopropyl Betaine, contains conventional non-organic chemicals combined with the petrochemical Amdiopropyl Betaine. Nature's Gate "Organics" main cleansers are Disodium Laureth Sulfosuccinate and Cocamidopropyl Betaine. Kiss My Face "Obsessively Organic" cleansers main ingredients are Olefin Sulfonate (a pure petrochemical) and Cocamidopropyl Betaine. Juice "Organics", Giovanni "Organic Cosmetics", Head "Organics", Desert Essence "Organics", and Ikove "Organic" all use CocamdiopropylBetaine. Betaine is a common cleansing ingredient and no cleansers made from it can be certified organic due to its petrochemical compounds.

Ecocert is a French-based certifier that allows cleansing ingredients made from conventional and organic agriculture. It also includes, in the cleansing ingredients contained in products labeled as "Made with Organic ingredients", certain petrochemicals such as Amidopropyl Betaine. Ecocert certifies the Ikove brands' cleansing products to contain less than 50% organic content, noted in small text on the back of the product, where all cleansing ingredients are non-organic including Cocamidopropyl Betaine. Yet the product is labeled "Organic Amazonian Avocado Bath & Shower Gel".

Another instance is Stella McCartney's "100% Organic" CARE line certified by Ecocert that labels products as "100% Organic" that are not 100% Organic alongside ones that are; the labels of products that are not 100% organic simply insert the word "Active" before "Ingredients." In allowing such labeling, Ecocert ignores the requirements of its own certification standards. The primary organic content in most Ecocert certified products comes from "Flower Waters" in which up to 80% of the "organic" content consists merely of just regular tap water that Ecocert counts as "organic."

The new Organic and Sustainable Industry Standard ("OASIS")-a standard developed exclusively by certain members of the industry, primarily Estee Lauder, with no consumer input, will permit certification of products outright as "Organic" (rather than as "Made with Organic" ingredients) even if such products contain hydrogenated and sulfated cleansing ingredients such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate made from conventional agricultural material grown with synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides, and preserved with synthetic petrochemical preservatives such as Ethylhexylglycerin and Phenoxyethanol. The organic content is required to only be 85%, which in water and detergent-based personal care products, means organic water extracts and aloe vera will be all that is needed to convert conventional synthetic cleansing ingredients to "organic".

The OASIS standard is not only useless but deliberately misleading to organic consumers looking for a reliable indicator of true "organic" products. Organic consumers expect that cleansing ingredients in products labeled "Organic" be made from actual organic ingredients, not conventional farming methods or chemical preservatives. Surprisingly, companies represented on the OASIS board, such as Hain (Jason "Pure, Natural & Organic"; Avalon "Organics") and Cosway (Head "Organics",) produce liquid soap, bodywash and shampoo products with petrochemicals in their cleansers even though use of petrochemicals in this way is not permitted even under the very permissible OASIS standard these companies have themselves developed and endorsed.

Organic consumers have a right to expect that the personal care products they purchase with organic label claims contain cleansing ingredients made from organic material, not conventional or petrochemical material.

Are There Toxic Chemicals in Your "ORGANIC" Personal Care Products?

Rebecca Jablonski


Creating the Perfect Vegetable Tray

If you are hosting a party, you will need to create a presentably appealing vegetable tray. Creating a veggie tray is really easy if you plan ahead and gather everything that you will need before you begin to assemble your tray.

You will need a round serving tray or a specially designed veggie tray that has divided cavities for placing your vegetables in. If your tray doesn't come with a vegetable dip container, you will need to supply one.


It is recommended that you choose 5-7 vegetables to present on your party tray.

Creating the Perfect Vegetable Tray


Wash and pat dry all of your vegetables. Cut off any roots, stems or unwanted leafy portions.

Vegetable Selection:

Leafy Lettuce: Separate the lettuce leaves and use them to line your vegetable tray.

Broccoli: Cut florets off the stalk into individual serving-sized pieces.

Cauliflower: Cut pieces from head of cauliflower into individual serving-sized pieces.

Cherry Tomatoes: Remove stems. Wash and pat dry.

Cucumbers: You can remove the skin or leave it, that is entirely up to you. Slice cucumber into 1/4" thick round slices.

Carrots: If using baby carrots, you will will not need to slice them down. If using full-sized carrots, you will need to slice them down into sticks measuring approximately 1/4" by 4" in size.

Celery: Cut off leafy portions. Cut celery stalks into 4" long pieces.

Radishes: Cut off top portion of radishes and any roots that might remain. It is best to use radishes that are less than 1 1/2" in diameter.

Mushrooms: If you are using baby mushrooms, leave just a 1/4" of the stem remaining. If using larger sized mushrooms, slice them down into individual pieces.

Green Pepper: Remove the stem and seeds. Cut down into sticks measuring 1/4" by 4" in length.


Arrange the lettuce leaves on your tray, covering the entire bottom of the tray. Take your prepared vegetables and arrange them around the tray in sections. Try to keep your colors separated and spread out the green colored vegetables. I like to use a green vegetable, then a colored vegetable and then another green vegetable and so forth as I go around my tray. Leave an opening in the center of your tray for your vegetable dip.

Once you have all your vegetables onto the tray, its time to garnish the tray.

Garnish Ideas:

If you are using a flat serving tray, you can separate your vegetable sections by laying a celery stick or carrot stick between each section. I like to add some additional color by garnishing with green and black olives, purple cabbage curls, radish shaped flowers or even a few green and red grapes.

Here is a great dip recipe.

Dill Weed Vegetable Dip

1 c. sour cream
1 c. mayonnaise
1 tbsp. dill weed
1 tbsp. parsley
1 1/2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. minced onion

Mix all ingredients together until well blended. Chill for several hours before serving. Serve with raw vegetables. Makes 2 cups.

Creating the Perfect Vegetable Tray

Shelly Hill has been working from home in Direct Sales since 1989. Shelly is a Manager with Tupperware. You can contact Shelly at:
Recipe Blog:

Vegetable Side Dishes To Serve With Fish

If you are planning to serve fish for dinner, what about making a tasty grilled vegetables recipe to go with it? Most fish is delicately flavored and if you want to make an impressive dish, you might like to make a colorful vegetable side dish to go alongside the fish.

Actually, you can choose from baked, sauteed, steamed, or grilled fresh vegetables. If the weather is good, you might like to make a grilled corn recipe or some vegetable kabobs. You can grill the fish at the same time. Alternatively make the meal indoors.


Weight watchers will love fish with grilled vegetables because it is such a healthy dish yet a delicious one. Diet food does not have to be boring and you can season most fish delicately with a squeeze of lemon or lime juice and some black pepper. There is no need for fattening creamy dressings when you serve fish or seafood.

Vegetable Side Dishes To Serve With Fish

Couscous And Roasted Bell Pepper Salad

Boil a cup of couscous according to the instructions on the box. That usually means using twice as much water as couscous and a pinch of salt. Couscous takes about fifteen minutes to get soft. When most of the liquid is gone, take it off the heat, and put the lid on. Let it sweat for ten minutes.

Put it in a colander, rinse it with cold water to get the starch off and let it drain. Puree three roasted or grilled red bell peppers and add a couple of tablespoons of yogurt, a bit of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil. Finely chop a cup of sweet pickles and add these.

Pour most of the red bell pepper dressing over the couscous and stir well. Peel and grate a pair of carrots and add these. Cover and chill. Bring the salad back to room temperature to serve it. You can add some more dressing if you like. This would go well with baked cod or tilapia.

Cajun Potato Salad

This recipe serves four people. Cook two pounds of peeled potatoes and cut them into chunks. Chop four green onions and add these. You can reserve some of the sliced green part for garnish, if you want to. You can also add a chopped jalapeno chili if you like, or even two for a very spicy side dish.

Combine a tablespoon of mustard with three quarters of a cup of yogurt, a teaspoon of Cajun seasoning, and a dash of cayenne pepper in another bowl, and then season this dressing with salt and pepper.

Toss the potatoes and green onions with the Cajun dressing and sprinkle the remaining green onion over the top. Serve this delicious vegetable recipe with blackened salmon for an easy gourmet meal.

Zucchini With Corn And Lemon

The mixture of dill and lemon in this recipe is really good and this side dish would go well with any fish entree. Saute a thinly sliced zucchini with half a chopped onion and quarter of a teaspoon of dill weed in a tablespoon of butter in a pan.

Add a fifteen ounce can of drained whole kernel corn and a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice and warm everything through before serving. This recipe might sound simple you will be surprised how perfectly balanced and flavorful it is.

Vegetable Side Dishes To Serve With Fish

If you love cooking with vegetables, why not make some vegetable pizza recipes? Grilled vegetables have a subtle smoky flavor and you can use them to make all kinds of mouthwatering vegetable side dishes. - The Veggie Side of Grilling

Pesticide For Organic Vegetable Gardens

Pesticide for Organic Vegetable Gardens

To control pests in an organic vegetable garden you must use organic and natural means. No artificial or chemically processed pesticide is to be used. This excludes all commercial pesticides, fungicides, insecticides and herbicides. Instead, all methods to control insect pests are either biological or chemically natural.

\"Organic Vegetable\"

Before I elaborate on these pesticides for organic vegetable gardens, here are two general practices to be observed:
Keep your soil healthy and clean and maintain an ideal sand/clay balance. For organic vegetation, the soil should be slightly clayey as it has more nutrients than sandy soil.

Pesticide For Organic Vegetable Gardens

Check on your vegetables daily. Inspect the leaves, roots and general look of the plants. Look out for any wilting, yellowing or traces of insect pest damage or activity (such as the aphid's honeydew). By doing so, you nip pest problems in the bud.

Here are some common insect pests in your organic vegetable garden:

1. Aphids (also known as greenflies) - they suck the sap from vegetables and other plants and leave a sticky substance called honeydew on the leaves. This breeds a fungus called sooty mold. If aphids attack a plant, it would have withered, yellow leaves.

2. Mealy bugs (also known as wooly aphids) - they also suck sap from plants but are mostly found in humid places.

3. Bean leaf beetle - the adult beetle feeds on the underside of bean vegetable leaves while the larvae attack its roots.

4. Flea beetle - these are small insects with black bodies that chew holes in leaves and leave crisscross markings on them.

5. Squash bugs - insects that attack vegetables like cucumbers, squash, melons and pumpkins.

6. Green stink bug - these flat and green insects attack bean pods, leaving bulging and wart-like spots.

7. Cucumber beetle - these beetles are greenish-yellow in color with either stripes or spots. They feed on vegetable seedlings where their larvae feed on roots and burrow holes through them. These beetles spread bacterial wilt among cucurbit vegetables like cucumbers and melons.

Now here are some ways to control pests in an organic vegetable garden:

1. Biological method

This is where friendly insects destroy the insect pests. For example, the parasitic wasp lays its eggs on the aphid and when the larvae hatch, they devour its host. Ladybirds also attack and kill the aphid and other pests. Other friendly insects include lacewings, praying mantis etc. You can draw friendly insects to your garden by planting flowers or maintaining a weed patch nearby.

2. Horticultural method

This method involves planting certain herbs such as garlic, sage, peppermint and basil that are disliked by pests. This is a good natural way to keep insect pests away.

The horticultural method also involves mixed cultivation (also known as companion planting) of your vegetables. Certain types of vegetables help each other repel insect pests. For example, onions and carrots help each other eliminate the onion fly and the carrot fly. Even flowers can be used. For example, the marigold draws away nematodes from the vegetables.

Another way of dealing with pests under this method is rotation planting. This is where you rotate your vegetables among the raised beds in your garden after each year. This reduces the proliferation of insect pests.

3. Natural chemical methods

In this method, you use natural substances against insect pests. One example is insecticidal soap. Insecticidal soap is made of sodium or potassium salts of either animal or plant oils. Chemically, they are the salts of the fatty acid portion of fats and oils. You can either buy it or make it yourself. Insecticidal soap is very effective against soft-bodied insect pests like aphids and mealy bugs. It can also be used to wash off honeydew stains from the leaves.

Another example is bacillus thuringiensis (BT) or friendly bacteria. There are about 80 types of BT. They are poisonous to insect pests. You sprinkle them on the vegetables and in time, they are consumed by the pests.

As you see, you don't have to use synthetic commercial pesticides to protect your organic vegetables. That keeps your vegetables uncontaminated by such pesticides.

Pesticide For Organic Vegetable Gardens

Francis King is a vegetable garden enthusiast. Visit Vegetable Garden Secrets for more expert advice on organic vegetable garden pesticide [], how to cultivate and keep a healthy organic vegetable garden.

Garden Netting to Keep Birds Out

Garden nettings are a convenient and easy way to protect your produces, whether they are fruits or other crops. A net is easy to attach to an aluminum scaffolding and is great at keeping the birds off of your premises, but do you really need to get it?

Every year birds cause the most damage in fruit orchards and berry plants. These birds sometimes ruin the whole produce, sometimes they take a bite or two off every apple and it slowly rots away. You can use a scarecrow but most birds don't sniff at it twice, and keep on taking what they think is theirs. You can keep them away easily, and more importantly, without paying a fortune while doing so.

\"Organic Vegetable\"

Industrial premises, like airports tend to use ultra-sound bird repellents, but they also put some netting on top of their hangars, for the same reasons every gardener should: to keep birds away from places they're not welcome.

Garden Netting to Keep Birds Out

There are several different types of garden nets out there. The price doesn't always tell you if it's going to be a good quality net or something the first bird flies right through, but it's going to be a good indication. The cheaper the net the lower the quality is usually, but if you can have some knitted polyethylene material, you're in for some serious business. These nets are able to hold off forty pounds of trust, heat and flame resistant, and they're UV ready as well.

If you don't want to have a permanent net, and are fine with it holding on for a year, an extruded diamond pattern polyethylene or polypropylene fruit netting is just as good as it gets. It keeps the birds away and is UV protected as well, but won't stay for more than a year usually. The cheap price makes up for it though, if you were thinking about trying them, it's a perfectly fine solution.

If your garden is in any way special, or there are tall trees you want to protect, or power wire is in the way, calling an expert is not mandatory, but highly advised. They will help you install a net for a small fee and that is going to be put properly. If an expert installs a net they usually give some warranty as well, taking a look around on the market doesn't hurt one bit.

If you think a garden netting might be the good solution to keep your fruits safe until they're ripe, find a local dealership and ask them if they advise it in your particular case. These nettings can be used in great variety of cases, but looking around online is going to save you effort, money and time. Even if you don't order online, knowing your options is golden.

Garden Netting to Keep Birds Out

Thank you for reading my article about garden nettings. If you liked it you would perhaps like reading about fruit nettings as well.

Growing, Cultivating and Propagating Cucumbers

Long a popular vegetable

Cucumbers originally come from the warm, humid, mountainous areas of Southeast Asia. Archaeologists have found cucumber remains at the ancient battle sites of the Romans and the Egyptians. It was apparently quite common to grow vegetables for the armies on long campaigns and the cucumber was one of the staples, in fact, it was the Romans who were responsible for spreading the plant throughout Europe.

\"Organic Vegetable\"

Many Types

Growing, Cultivating and Propagating Cucumbers

The major types of cucumbers are the long, smooth green slicing varieties; the small, numerous pickling gherkins; and the round, yellowish, mild-flavored lemon cucumbers. Unusual types include elongated, slender Oriental varieties, and the English greenhouse cucumber. Properly grown, these latter varieties are the mildest-flavored of all. So-called Armenian varieties are actually long, green-ribbed melons with a cucumber look and taste.

Annual Climbers

Cucumbers are all hot-season annual climbing vines. The plants grow very vigorously in the summer, and vines of up to 10 feet are not uncommon. The leaves are large and covered with stiff hairs. Climbing tendrils grow directly from the stems, as do the attractive yellow flowers.

There are both male and female flowers. The female flowers grow singly, the males in clusters of 2 to 4 blooms. The plant flowers continuously all through the summer and produces fruit until the temperature drops below freezing. The cucumbers are borne without previous pollination but occasionally a fertilized cucumber may be found which is absolutely full of seeds. For this reason, many gardeners prefer to grow only female plants, thereby avoiding seedy cucumbers.

How to grow cucumbers

Cucumber seeds can be sown indoors in pots in a window in March, or seedlings can be purchased from a nursery. Put 2 to 3 seeds in each pot. Remove the two weakest seedlings after germination to make room for the strongest. The temperature should be in the mid-sixties in the day and a little lower at night. Give the plants plenty of daylight but not direct sunlight. Once 3 to 4 leaves are fully developed move the plants out to a sunny, organically enriched garden spot. The best way to grow cucumbers is on a 1-foot high mound of soil that measures about 5 feet on a side. This gives plants good drainage and room to spread. Or, train plants on vertical wires or a trellis. Remove male flowers as soon as they appear.

Be sure to plant cucumbers outdoors only after all danger of frost has passed because these plants hate cold weather. The mound system of growing works well; because plants spread in all directions, they're not really suited to growing in rows like other vegetables.

Plant Doctor

Cucumbers are prey to a number of ills, both insects and diseases. Here are a few of them.

Cucumbers grown outdoors can suddenly just wither away after a period of heavy rainfall. This is because the roots go into shock and all growth stops.

--Neck rot is a common disease in young plants set out too early. The temperature may be low and the humidity too high. Growing plants on mounds in full sun usually prevents this problem.

--Bitter cucumbers from your garden or greenhouse result from changeable growing conditions. Make sure they are watered regularly and be careful with feeding.

--Mildew is a common ailment on the cucumber. It is most common in slicing cucumbers grown in the greenhouse. The leaves become quite white and floury-looking. Prevent attacks from happening by lowering humidity, if possible. Combat mildew with sulphur powders.

--Aphids are frequent visitors. Squirt them from plants with a jet of water from the hose, or use a spray of soapy water.

--Greenhouse spider mites cause golden-brown discoloration of leaves and shoots. Attacks can be kept down by using suitable biological methods, such as predatory insects.

NOTE: Pesticides not used according to label directions can be harmful to man, animals and plants. Use only pesticides that have labels with directions for home and garden use. Always read and follow label directions.

Buying Tips

Seed for garden cucumber varieties is widely available, but salad cucumber seedlings may also be found at a plant store. Check that they are growing well and free of insects or disease. Make sure the root neck is entirely green.

Lifespan: All cucumbers are annuals.

Season: Throughout the summer and early fall.

Difficulty quotient: As long as the plants grow in favorable conditions, there is no real difficulty.

In Brief

Size and growth rate
All cucumbers grow vigorously, 7-10 feet in one year.

Flowering and fragrance
Flowers appear throughout the season. The flowers are single-sexed and clear yellow, but have no scent.

Light and temperature
Cucumbers need lots of light, but dislike direct sunlight indoors. Outdoor cucumbers will live with normal summer temperatures while greenhouse or hothouse cucumbers prefer the mid-seventies.

Watering and feeding
Plenty of water all through the growing season. If the plants dry out they can be weakened and fall prey to disease. Feed every second watering.

Soil and transplanting
The soil should always be well-fertilized with plenty of humus and compost. No repotting is necessary indoors or out, once seedlings have been placed where they are to grow.

Not really necessary, but plants growing in a greenhouse may need to be cut back.

Always with seeds.

Cucumbers belong in every summer garden or greenhouse. The vines are handsome, easy to grow, and produce an abundance of delicious fruits with very little effort.

Growing, Cultivating and Propagating Cucumbers

For information on organic vegetable gardening, organic fertilizers, compost, pest control, watering, soil and more, please read my blog.

Wedding Marketing - Bridal Segmentation Strategies - Are You Marketing To The Right Bride?

How are you currently marketing to brides? Do all brides get the same email? The same marketing newsletter? If so, read on. Not every bride is created equal. Some brides have wedding budgets of only ,000 whereas, you'll find brides that have budgets of 0,000 on up! Quite a difference there and the way you win their business will be different as well.

Bridal segmentation strategies is a way to market into discrete bridal groups that share similar characteristics. Bridal segmentation can be a potent way to identify unmet client needs. Wedding vendors that identify and understand underserved brides can typically outperform their competition by creating new ways of servicing this industry that has a turnover rate of 15 months.

\"Organic Vegetable\"

Bridal segmentation garners the most results when wedding vendors creates customized offerings to brides that will bring them the most dollars for time invested. For example: A bride that lives in Beverly Hills should be sent emails and marketing material for honeymoons in Tahiti or the Maldives by a travel agent instead of the Caribbean or Mexico. If you are going to send out marketing materials via mail or email, why not get target with honeymoons that will make you the most money? For a wedding caterer, it could be as simple as sending the bride an email with lobster served with organic vegetable confit instead of roast chicken breast with rice pilaf. To the high end bride, she would be much more inclined to read the email and contact the caterer. It doesn't take much more time or effort, but it will in the long run, make you much more money.

Wedding Marketing - Bridal Segmentation Strategies - Are You Marketing To The Right Bride?

This prioritization can help wedding vendors develop wedding marketing campaigns and pricing strategies to elicit maximum value from both high end and low end brides.

To implement a bridal segmentation strategy, you must first understand the market that you are in. Are you dealing with high end brides or low end brides? Are you in an affluent area or not? Do you have what it takes to market to the couture bride? Do you understand what the high end bride wants in your area? Brides in different areas of the country have different ideals as to what is high end or low end.

First, divide up the wedding market into assessable segments according to the bride's needs. This is based on results of your previous encounters with brides. Second, figure out the potential profit of each product/service that you offer. You will have to analyze the revenue and the cost impacts of servicing each bridal segment. Third, determine your potential profit and your ability to service the bride's needs. Don't forget that working with higher end brides means more time spent with them as they are known to be a more demanding group. Lastly, you will have to invest resources to create new marketing materials and ways to reach your target bridal group. Some will decide that they would rather service the lower end bride and do volume but less hand holding and others will want to service just a few brides but have a much larger ROI.

Wedding Marketing - Bridal Segmentation Strategies - Are You Marketing To The Right Bride?

Phyllis Cheung, founder of Privileged Insights is an e-marketing expert for the wedding industry. Privileged Insights provides e-marketing consulting to the wedding & honeymoon industry. For a FREE market research report, or visit:

How To Kill Weeds Naturally With Cheap or Free Household Products

If you are looking for ways to control the growth of unsightly weeds in and around your garden, you can choose to purchase off the shelf chemicals to treat the problem or if you would prefer an environmentally friendly option, you can try out one of the many natural solutions.

Here are some natural remedies that you can try in order to eliminate this problem. These all involve the use of common household products.

\"Organic Vegetable\"


How To Kill Weeds Naturally With Cheap or Free Household Products

Using normal table salt is a very effective way to kill weeds. You only need a small amount, less than teaspoon, which you simply sprinkle at the base of each weed. The salt will draw out all the moisture from the plant, which will starve it of its nutrients and the weeds will then die.

The disadvantage with using salt is that is will attack any type of vegetation and once it is in the soil, it makes it very difficult for other plants to prosper. The best place to use a salt solution is in areas where you are not growing other plants, such as in the gaps between your patio paving slabs or on your gravelled yard area.

Boiling Water

Boiling water helps to get rid of your weed problem by burning the offending growths. The heat from the water will eventually turn the plants brown and they will shrivel up and die. Boil up some water and pour it directly on the weed.

Using boiling water is not a long-term solution. It is a good option for very small areas that are affected but it does have its disadvantages. The water can also remove the good stuff, the micro-organisms from the soil that is needed to help your plants to flourish. Again the best places to use this method are in areas where you are not planning to plant flowers or vegetables.

White Wine Vinegar

The reason that vinegar is a really good method that will kill off weeds is due to the active ingredient called Acetic acid. Spraying this solution on weeds will starve them of moisture and turn these plants brown. It will take a few days for the effects to be seen but once the weeds have shrivelled up and died, you can easily pull them out of the ground and dispose of them.

These are all cheap and effective ways to get rid of weeds in and around your garden. As these solutions can affect the soil and the plants that you are actually trying to cultivate, the best places to adopt these methods are areas where you do not anticipate growing other vegetation.

How To Kill Weeds Naturally With Cheap or Free Household Products

You can get many more organic gardening tips at the Organic Gardening Academy site. Go to for more information