How to Get Rid of Maggots

What do maggots look like?

Before you can get rid of maggot you must first know what they look like. Maggots are the larvae of flies. They only appear if a fly is able to lay its eggs they appear 2-5 days after a fly has laid its eggs. The fly will lay its eggs after being drawn to the smell of rotten flesh. Maggots are 3/8 to 3/4 inches long they are soft, worm-like, pale-colored maggots.

\"Organic Vegetable\"

How to get rid of maggots

How to Get Rid of Maggots

Learning how to get rid of maggots can be a disgusting and not so fun job. The first thing you should know is that maggots love old food stuff from the garbage bag. So you need to get rid of any of that ASAP. They are mostly attracted to the stench that the trash gives off especially if it is in a place with a lot of heat. It will make the smell worse and attract more maggots to it. The best thing to do for this is to make sure you wrap your food up tight like in a bag before throwing it out and it would be best to leave your garbage outside instead of in the house. For the air from outside can keep some of the stench away and reduce the appearance of maggots and also keep them from getting into your house. Also it would be best to use a garbage disposal for food instead of throwing it in the garbage it would reduce any chance of maggots for there would be less of a smell for them to be attracted to.

If you really have to put the food in your garbage bags then you would have to look for maggots and at the first sign of even one you must get rid of it ASAP. One way is that you can try is that you can use a type of fly spray or pest control spray to get rid of them before you put the trash out. This will kill them instantly without you having to be dealing with a lot more then you bargained for. Maggots love dirt and stench and shelter so as soon as you take that away from them they will disappear start to go away. Also any food that you have out be sure to keep it covered especially if they are meat products. Cover them up tight because flies love the chance to get into meat, and lay there eggs. The best way to keep from getting maggots in the first place is to keep your home free of any flies so when you see a fly in your house be sure to kill it also fly paper helps a lot be sure to put it in every room of the house especially the kitchen where you keep all your food an also near the trash can. This will help to keep maggots from appearing in your house hold.

How to Get Rid of Maggots

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